Folkets Kvinde

Historien om Folkets Kvinde, enevældens fald og indførelsen af danmarks Grundlov.

The StoryHunt app uses your location to guide you between 14 stories.
The tour takes place in Hillerød, Denmark.
Listen to narrated stories about where you are – also available as text.
The experience lasts 2h. Go at your own pace and whenever you want.
The tour lasts for as long as you want to with 14 stories to unlock.

Test your knowledge and quiz along the way – fun with groups!

About this tour

Gå i fodsporene på Louise Rasmussen, også kendt som Grevinde Danner, og få en uforglemmelig oplevelse omkring Frederiksborg Slot. På turen vil din virtuelle guide, Lars, tage dig med tilbage til 1800-tallet, hvor den enevældig konge sidder på tronen i Danmark.

Dog bevæger revolutionære kræfter sig igennem Europa, og da de nye tanker når Danmark, ændrer det vores land for altid. Undervejs vil du møde en særlig kvinde, som kommer fra ydmyge kår.

Hun formår dog at gøre et dybt indtryk på Kongen af Danmark, og ender med at spille en afgørende rolle i indførelsen af den danske Grundlov. Er du klar til at tage med på eventyr?

Gå i fodsporene på Louise Rasmussen, også kendt som Grevinde Danner, og få en uforglemmelig oplevelse omkring Frederiksborg Slot. På turen vil din virtuelle guide, Lars, tage dig med tilbage til 1800-tallet, hvor den enevældig konge sidder på tronen i Danmark. Dog bevæger revolutionære kræfter sig igennem Europa, og da de nye tanker når Danmark, ændrer det vores land for altid. Undervejs vil du møde en særlig kvinde, som kommer fra ydmyge kår. Hun formår dog at gøre et dybt indtryk på Kongen af Danmark, og ender med at spille en afgørende rolle i indførelsen af den danske Grundlov. Er du klar til at tage med på eventyr?

Tour created by

Stories you will unlock

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Sneak a peak

Below you can listen to a sneak peak of the tour so you know if it's something for you.

Places you will see

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  • 🎧 Self-guided audio tour
  • 🤩 Life-time access to the stories
  • 💰 100% money back guarantee
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Price per person:
99 DKK
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The tour is completely free. Visit our app for the best experience or continue in browser.

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Written reviews from StoryHunters

God familieaktivitet. Fik turen i julegave af min datter og vi havde en dejlig dag selvom det var koldt. Kan anbefales.
Familen Gansborg
December 26, 2024
Virkelig en god oplevelse. Vi fik frokost på Cafe Havehuset halvvejs og havde en super dag. Vidste intet om Grevinde Danner men virkelig spændende historie. Tak
August 16, 2024
Vi elskede den. God fortælling og gode skuespillere. Slottet omkring søen er fantastisk.
Hanne og Lars
July 17, 2024

Suggested tours

Know before you go

Where does the tour start?

The tour starts at Søndre Jernbanevej 32 and follows a route between 14 stories in Hillerød.

Where does the tour start?

This is a Story Collection with no order. This means that you can start the tour from any of the 14 stories in Hillerød.

How long is the tour?

The tour takes approximately 2h depending on how many breaks you take.

How long is the tour?

You decide how many of the 14 stories you wish to unlock – do them all in one take or just pick the best ones.

Can I bring friends?

Yes. If your friends want to listen on their own device they will need their own ticket.

Can I bring friends?

Yes. You can bring as many friends as you want! The tour is 100 % free for all.  

What else can I experience in Hillerød?

StoryHunt offers both tours and general info about Hillerød. Check out the Hillerød destination page for more info.

Why do a self-guided tour in Hillerød?

With a self-guided tour in Hillerød you can do it whenever you want to and go at your own pace. We believe that's a lot more convenient.

Is Folkets Kvinde really free?

Yes, the Folkets Kvinde is completely free! Download the StoryHunt app to get started.

Can I give the tour as a gift?

Yes. Once you have purchased the tour you will receive instructions on how to gift the tour.  

When can I take the tour?

You can take the whenever you want to. Once you have purchased the tour, it's yours forever.

Will there be a tour guide?

No. This tour is self-guided so there is no physical tour guide. Instead you can explore at your own pace with the StoryHunt app.

Can I take the tour again?

Yes. When you purchase a tour, you get life-time access and can take it as many times as you want to.

Do I need an app?

Yes. The tour is experienced through the StoryHunt app. Download instructions will be provided after purchase.

Do I need internet access?

Yes. You need continuous access to the internet to experience the tour. It cannot be downloaded beforehand.

Any questions?

We're happy to hear from you! Let us know what questions you have, and we'll get back asap. 🤩

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Per person:
99 DKK
Available for free in:
99 DKK