Creator: red thread in stories

How to Create Great Audio Walks

Find articles to help you create great audio walks with StoryHunt – so you can start reaching the modern traveller.

Create your first Audio Walk:

Sign up to StoryHunt Creator

When creating a tour, you can choose between two types: Routes and Collections.

A Route is number of stories along a predefined route. A Collection is a bunch stories that the user can take in any order they like.

Add stories to the map

Add stories to your tour by clicking on the map or using the built-in search.  

When working with Routes we'll automatically suggest a route between the stories. See how in our Creators section.

Write your script

When creating your script, try to develop a narrative along the way. Remember to guide the listener's gaze so they can learn about their surroundings.

Stuck along the way? Let our AI help out with the script.

Test your tour

Great tours can’t be done entirely from home. Go for a trial run or two to refine your script.

You can use our AI to speak the tour for testing so it won't take too much of your time.

Speak the tour

If you have a good voice you can choose to record your audio yourself.

If you don't have the time or wish a different voice for your tour, you can use our AI to do the speak.

Publish and start selling

Once you're done, add a cover photo, a description that sells your tour, and select your price.

The tour goes on the tours section and the fun part begins; promotion.