Discover Historical Girona

Explore top sights and historic venues at your own pace in beautiful Girona.

StoryHunt app'en bruger din lokation til at guide dig mellem 22 historier.
Turen finder sted i Girona, Spanien.
Lyt til oplæste lydfortællinger om hvor du er – også tilgængelig som tekst.
Oplevelsen varer 3.6t. Tag afsted i dig eget tempo, og når det passer dig.
Turen tager så lang tid, som du vil, med 22 historier at låse up for.

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Om denne tur

Explore the historic and amazing Girona with this self-guided audio walking guide and at your own pace. All the audios can be read too.The historical city of Girona, in the north of Catalonia, is famous for the amazing old medieval town and the Jewish quarter, but also for being the location of several scenes of Game of Thrones’ sixth season.What is more, Girona is a city filled with legends, tales and myths that are present across the city.

Be amazed by the rich historical and cultural heritage that the city of Girona offers you to explore. On the two stops 'Walk the Medieval Walls South / North' you will hear the general history of the city.Most of the stories are within the old city and surroundings where the majority of the streets are pedestrian, this makes it a very walkable.You'll get access to the content right after you buy the tour so you can easily plan where to go.Remember, you decide in which order you want to unlock the stories of Girona.Happy exploring!

Explore the historic and amazing Girona with this self-guided audio walking guide and at your own pace. All the audios can be read too. The historical city of Girona, in the north of Catalonia, is famous for the amazing old medieval town and the Jewish quarter, but also for being the location of several scenes of Game of Thrones’ sixth season. What is more, Girona is a city filled with legends, tales and myths that are present across the city. Be amazed by the rich historical and cultural heritage that the city of Girona offers you to explore. On the two stops 'Walk the Medieval Walls South / North' you will hear the general history of the city. Most of the stories are within the old city and surroundings where the majority of the streets are pedestrian, this makes it a very walkable. You'll get access to the content right after you buy the tour so you can easily plan where to go. Remember, you decide in which order you want to unlock the stories of Girona. Happy exploring!

Lone Henriksen
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Lone Henriksen

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  • 🎧 Selvguidet lydvandring
  • 🤩 Adgang til historierne for altid
  • 💰 100% money back garanti
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Skrevne anmeldelser fra StoryHunters

Easy and pleasant.
October 1, 2024
Good tool for exploring the city independently. Informative and easy to use. It's better to take a power bank with you, as the GPS uses a lot of power. Translation is sometimes not 100% German, but it's easy to understand.
September 25, 2024
The German translation is an automatic translation. That's OK, but it's very noticeable in some places and sentences are confusing. Otherwise very informative!
September 22, 2024
Muy recomendable para descubrir la ciudad!
July 22, 2024
si, un guía local
March 7, 2024
This tour was a gift for a good friend going to Girona. He really got to see a lot.
March 4, 2024
Good and well worked guide.
January 14, 2024

Foreslåede ture

Godt at vide, før du går

Hvor starter turen?

Turen starter ved Pl. de la Catedral, 9, 17004 Girona, Spain og følger en rute mellem 22 historier i Girona.

Hvor starter turen?

Dette er en Historiesamling uden en bestemt rækkefølge. Det betyder at du kan starte turen fra et hvilket som helst af de 22 historier i Girona.

Hvor lang er turen?

Turen tager cirka 3.6t afhængigt af, hvor mange pauser du tager.

Hvor lang er turen?

Du bestemmer hvor mange af de 22 historier, du vil låse op for – tag dem alle på en gang eller udvælg de bedste.

Kan jeg tage venner med?

Ja. Hvis dine venner vil lytte på deres egen enhed, har de brug for deres egen billet.

Kan jeg tage venner med?

Ja. Du kan tage så mange venner med, som du vil. Turen er 100 % gratis for alle.

Hvad kan jeg ellers opleve i Girona?

StoryHunt tilbyder både ture og general info om Girona. Check vores destinationsside om Girona ud for mere info.

Hvorfor tage på en lydvandring i Girona?

Med en lydvandring i Girona kan du tage afsted, lige når det passer dig, og gå i dit helt eget tempo. Det synes vi er væsentligt nemmere at tage på en guidet tur.

Er Discover Historical Girona virkelig gratis?

Ja, Discover Historical Girona er fuldstændig gratis! Download StoryHunt app'en for at komme i gang.

Kan jeg give turen i gave?

Ja. Når du har købt turen, modtager du instruktioner om, hvordan du giver turen.

Hvornår kan jeg tage turen?

Du kan tage den, når du vil. Når du har købt turen, er den din for evigt.

Vil der være en guide?

Nej. Denne tur er selvguidet, så der er ingen fysisk guide. I stedet kan du udforske i dit eget tempo med StoryHunt-appen.

Kan jeg tage turen igen?

Ja. Når du køber en tur, får du livstidsadgang og kan tage den så mange gange, som du vil.

Har jeg brug for en app?

Ja. Turen opleves gennem StoryHunt-appen. Downloadinstruktioner vil blive videregivet efter køb.

Har jeg brug for internetadgang?

Ja. Du har brug for kontinuerlig adgang til internettet for at opleve turen. Den kan ikke downloades på forhånd.

Andre spørgsmål?

Vi er glade for at høre fra dig! Fortæl os, hvilke spørgsmål du har, og så vender vi tilbage hurtigst muligt. 🤩

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99 DKK